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1. Solve a puzzle (click the 'track' button next to one of the ducks)

2. Go to the location, and find the rubber duck

3. Get the code from the duck (it will be on the underside)

4. Enter the code on the website (click 'solve' next to the duck)

You can solve the puzzles from anywhere, but to find the duck you will need to be in Waterloo. Please place the duck back where you found it after retrieving the code


Puzzles are fun, geocaching is fun; this is geocaching with a puzzle focus.

Each puzzle is focused on the life of a different 'quack' (some kind of professional, often medical, who continuously makes false claims which benefit themselves). Ideally by solving each puzzle the player has fun and learns about the common quackery/misinformation tactics.

The general themes that historical and present 'quacks' tend toward does not seem to change much: bold claims that fail to hold up to scrutiny and consistent hypocrisy.

Legitimate medicine, from its beginnings until the present, was and is too expensive for those who need it the most-- the poor. It is this strata of society that most often falls victim to the quack. This group is not limited to the economic poor; it includes the poor in judgment and the poorly educated. It is these un- fortunates who are today the victim of the quacks, both individual and corporate.
[ . . . ]
As long as people have ills, real or imaginery, there will be those who sell hope.... There will be quacks

Lieberman, J. J. & Lieberman, S. J. (1975) A Short History of Quackery and Byways in Medicine. The American biology teacher. [Online] 37 (1), 39–43.

My contact info can be found here
Please do not share solutions online :) Keep it fun for everyone